Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9855 (7. Jul. 2009 09:34) (All next previous)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
Seismic Trucks?
Welcome to this forum! It's always refreshing to see someone else involved in this crazy stuff.

I'm sorry to hear of your fall and wish you a speedy recovery. Hopefully no serious damage has been done to your knee! The knee is a delicate part of our body ...

Did you have pivot bushings on your pivot? If not, I could imagine that your plate has worn out and that this has been the cause ofg the failure.

Regarding Seismic trucks I have to admit that I have no experience but am impressed with the technology. I am not sure, however, if it offers a significant advantage to more conventional trucks. But whatever flows your boat ...

: Also, has anyone actually tried cutting lightly used skateboards to use as a base skate plate?

Holger Sander did exactly this. Some people use skis.

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