Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14427 (11. Mar. 2012 14:06) (Tree)

New from Beule
On March 7, Jason Shrieves wrote:

Hello all- I visited Beule yesterday and he is in good spirits, the same ole cheerful Beule we all know. He is working his various jobs, getting by day to day, and feeling healthy. His arthritis has subsided and his joints feel well again. He told me to tell everyone hello and and wants to thank everyone for their help and support... a big hug to everyone!

In the meantime he has re-applied for "legal aid" support through his lawyer and it was granted (meaning that the govt will pay part of the legal expences), but this may result in another change of lawyers. Future court mentions and dates are still unclear to us, but I will try to meet with the lawyers next week to get more info about what is to come and when. I will post an update then. Until then.... Free Beule!
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Bernhard: New from Beule (11. Mar. 2012 14:06)
 On March 7, Jason Shrieves wrote:

Hello all- I visited Beule yesterday and he is in good spirits, the same ole cheerful Beule we all know. He is working his various jobs, getting by day to day, and feeling healthy. His arthritis has subsided and his joints feel well again. He told me to tell everyone hello and and wants to thank everyone for their help and support... a big hug to everyone!

In the meantime he has re-applied for "legal aid" support through his lawyer and it was granted (meaning that the govt will pay part of the legal expences), but this may result in another change of lawyers. Future court mentions and dates are still unclear to us, but I will try to meet with the lawyers next week to get more info about what is to come and when. I will post an update then. Until then.... Free Beule!
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Bernhard: New from Beule (23. Mar. 2012 15:09)
 Update from Jason Shrieves on March 23 03:08 CET

Just a brief update to keep ya'll informed on what's going on down here with our man Beule... I visited him again last Monday and we had a little chat, and once again, he wishes everyone well.

So as you know, last year about this time we raised money and were able to change Beule's lawyer to a privately funded law firm. This was mainly due to the strange and unethical actions of his prieviously appointed "Legal Aid" funded lawyer who was part of a different law firm. The lawyer who took on the case knew that our funding was likely to be limited at some point (meaning the money would run out) and he agreed that he would try to take the case on as funded through the "Legal Aid Queensland" agency if he were awarded the case. Well, the money did run out last year in December and he applied for Legal Aid funding. In January of this year, Legal Aid Queensland rejected his application and moved to take the case "in house", meaning that they would appoint one of thier internal lawyers to handle the case. The private lawyer appealed this decision, but the appeal was also rejected. This means that once again Beule is being forced to change lawyers. the only good news is that Legal Aid Queensland will fund the lawyer, but it doesn't say much for the workload of the lawyer when up to now, she still has not had a chance to look at the brief from the court and familiarize herself with the case. I have requested to meet with her, but she is not very receptive to it, but she tenatively agreed to have a coffee sometime in the next 2 weeks. Let's hope that there is some progress soon... so far it's 1.5 years in prison without trial and likely to me much longer before something happens without external pressure.
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biffsk8er: New from Beule (25. Mar. 2012 08:26)
 That is a bummer. I hope things get straightened out sooner rather than later! Makes me think the state has no proof if they have not already brought it to trial. Beule needs his day in court!

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