Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14427 (11. Mar. 2012 14:06) (All next)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
New from Beule
On March 7, Jason Shrieves wrote:

Hello all- I visited Beule yesterday and he is in good spirits, the same ole cheerful Beule we all know. He is working his various jobs, getting by day to day, and feeling healthy. His arthritis has subsided and his joints feel well again. He told me to tell everyone hello and and wants to thank everyone for their help and support... a big hug to everyone!

In the meantime he has re-applied for "legal aid" support through his lawyer and it was granted (meaning that the govt will pay part of the legal expences), but this may result in another change of lawyers. Future court mentions and dates are still unclear to us, but I will try to meet with the lawyers next week to get more info about what is to come and when. I will post an update then. Until then.... Free Beule!
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