Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11802 (15. Jan. 2010 18:04) (All next)

Beer Hunter (videos by Beer Hunter) (pictures by Beer Hunter)
Videos Last Month
I made both of these last month from footage taken in November and posted them on Skatelog a few days ago.

This one is the new park in Lockhart, TX the day after grand opening. My nephew is on the skateboard. He is also learning to skate the parks on quads, but that will be in future videos. I originally wanted to get Biff and Tim A in this but failed to get any footage while they were present.

The second was done at Jaws in New Braunfels, TX. My baby sister Mary is progressing nicely since her return to the skateparks a few months ago.

It is fun running the chaser cam to get some of this footage!
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