Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11939 (19. Feb. 2010 03:30) (All next previous)

joe90 (videos by joe90) (pictures by joe90)
Hosoi one foot backside air.I think you've nailed it Irene.Nice too see you on here,,been a while,hows it hanging?
Hey Biff,I recon opinion is one of the last freedoms we still have and I value yours and Ravens.I'm gald he's passionate about his skating and has a good understanding of the definition.I just lean in favour of skateboard definition as I have always skateboarded and rolled with boarders.


captcha, like dramatic,,I shit you not.
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  • joe90: Radelaide (11. Feb. 2010 11:21)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum