Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12731 (15. Jun. 2010 19:30) (All next previous)

cephalopoid (videos by cephalopoid) (pictures by cephalopoid)
number of bolts fastening the boots
I've planned lots of places to put bolts, and I've already drilled the holes through the plates, but noticing the sturdyness and rigidness of just fastening the first two(!) bolts, I decided to skip four holes per boot.

captcha: remove bimbos
I like the avant-gardistic/random aspect of those captchas. The occasional relevance is stupendous, too, seeing as how often it happens to be relevant on this forum.
But maybe it's just because we're a suicide cult.
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  • cephalopoid: cephalopoid's definitive build-a-skate-thread (19. May. 2010 11:56)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum