| I'm not sure if I was clear in asking my question, as I'm dead tired after a day of good progress, unnecessary bloodshed and lots of cursing. In Holland we curse with diseases. Cholera! Tyfus! ;)
Anyhoo, here's the question, as posted before here: http://www.instructables.com/answers/How-to-tighten-locknuts-without-the-bolt-being-fas/
How to tighten locknuts without the bolt being fastened?
So, I'm trying to fasten my trucks to my diy-ed skates now, but one of the three bolts of the first truck is looser in it's hole than the other three. When I try to screw the locknut on, the bolt just turns along, and there's my sole on the other end. First mounting the trucks to the baseplate and then mounting the baseplate to the boot is not an option, as there's bolts fastening the plate under the trucks.