Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14597 (30. May. 2013 14:25) (All next previous)

cephalopoid (videos by cephalopoid) (pictures by cephalopoid)
: It's perfectly OK. O probably have to work during the day, but I might also be able to take off one or the other day. Then I could show you around a bit.

That would be great! Can't wait to see your town through your eyes!

: Radness. Bulk photos and full written account is your mission, do you accept?

Bwhahaha. No. Sorry. I'm still hesitating a little about taking a camera with me, but I feel like having a camera can only be something standing between me and the environment. Besides, with 6kg of skates in my pack, taking up three quarters of the space in an already big backpack, it's enough of a puzzle figuring out what I take along and what not, as it is.
Written account would be fine, though. :D Whenever someone takes skating footage I'll be sure to ask for their e-mail address as well. It has happened four times to me now, that people asked for mine and didn't send the pics or vids in the end.
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  • cephalopoid: Hitchhiking (22. May. 2013 11:06)
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