Vertical Rollerskating


Message 14602 (6. Jun. 2013 01:22) (All next previous)

cephalopoid (videos by cephalopoid) (pictures by cephalopoid)
: Hi Ceph,
: did you manage to go to Schifflange? How is it?

Hi Bernhard,

Yup, I did. That pool was amazing! Nothing like the ones they build in Holland! Not that I've been in California in the seventies, but I imagine the Z-boys must've been riding pools like this one. The curb stuck out so far I didn't dare to drop in, and the tranny wasn't smooth at all. I often fell just trying to ride around, even as I was managing better and better. My right knee's a bit busted now, despite my kneepads. I was looking for new ones and found TSG Force III's in a shop in Luxembourg, but after thinking long and hard, and observing, I concluded they aren't what I'm looking for. Because of the way I fall and wear down kneepads, these with their handy buckle placement could potentially hurt me. And if it wasn't for that, the strap holding said buckle would wear down in no time. Not worth 85 euro's. Not with my PD pads being made as we speak. I hope I'll find some other vert kneepads down the road.

: I'm looking forward to meet you!

That feeling is entirely mutual! If I'm not mistaken, you would be the second vert rollerskater I meet in person, and the first who's actually active.
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