Vertical Rollerskating


Message 5828 (17. May. 2008 01:10) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
a question on pumping
: : My skateboarder buddy always swings his arms back, palms facing back, then swings them forward while carving around the lip. Is this how to go faster? I just squat and push up through the curve, but would be nice to get more speed. I can post another picture showing this cause he always does this but I think I overposted on pics, so sorry Bernhard! You are awesome!! I'll put them all up on my website, just my arm hurts now.
: Using your arms to pump is very nececary to get good speed.
: Watch any skater who is having a go and you will notice that they generaly swing their arms forward and up as they pump down and up the trany.
: I was thinking about you the other day and I recon at this stage that if you start learning to turn both ways, it will become very natural and alow you to cut nice lines in any trany situation witch is ideal for riding bowls.
: Still waiting for vid footage.
: cheers joe

I do carve both ways but only go right on any tricks lol. My arm is feeling better finally, still hurts but I can type and could draw all day at work without too much pain. So in a couple weeks I'll get a vid of myself carving Greenbelt. I can get up high and carve the lip all the way around! But I'm going to hold back doing any tricks on the big bowls for awhile. I'll keep those for the little bowl til I can control my slams better! I'm not sure how to edit the vids but sure I will learn quickly! I will appreciate any and all input. I cant wait to skate with another roller skater one day soon! I'm still learning via boarders now. They are a cool bunch tho!
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  • claudine: a question on pumping (16. May. 2008 04:57)
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