| : : Again sorry for posting so many pics but these are my first pics sk8n a bowl so I got excited lol, as usual. ;-P
: Aw, everone is happy to see those pics ...
: : So is it nice enough to skate in Germany now? Hope so!
: It is, indeed. April was awful this year, but May is quite okay. I've been skating a bit, but also cycling and running. Trying to get fit a bit.
Aw, me too! I will try hard to get fit and strong once I heal. Saw the midatlantic skate competition today. The 40+ group seemed much slower. I'm not ready to slow down, just starting. i have high hopes to roll strong the next coming years! I will post about the competition later, Now I think I understand how to fall and pump but still not sure if I pump the corners on a perfectly round bowl if I want to stay up the entire lip. Sorry, my arm is better but its stiff now so hard to type. I guess when its healing, its normal to have limited range of motion?