| : : : Heres a little bit of Ludi tearing up the Ring.
: :
: : Ludi is a power house! Thanks for sharing. I fixed up the forum to deal with the way you posted this. I hop everything else continues working as usual. ;-)
: Thanx MrB I'm still not %100 sure on the correct way to post pics and vids but you always make it right and we all appreciate it much.
Ah, the state of affairs is as follows:
Pics are posted to the forum via the image field below the text entry box. You use the button right to this field to navigate to the image file on your hard disk. It has to smaller than 100 KB to be accepted by the forum. Pics posted in this way will also show up in the image browser.
There is also the possibility to embed pics from a foreign we site with the IMG tag. They will go away, however, when the foreign web site ceases to exist or deletes the image or whatever. They also aren't currently shown in th image browser,
Videos from Youtube can simply be posted by putting the URL in the message (the embedding code supplied by Youtube works as well). Youtube videos are cuurently the only ones indexed in the video browser.
Videos hosted on other sites than Youtube can also be embedded, but they currently aren't shown in the video browser.
I hope I have cleared up the messy situation a bit. As you see, things aren't perfect, but sometimes I'm working on it.