Vertical Rollerskating


Message 6510 (26. Aug. 2008 21:09) (All next)

ireNe (videos by ireNe) (pictures by ireNe)
It's Amazing...
...the amount of love and support shown here by so many rollerskaters.

It makes me think that rollerskaters are the kindest and best people in the world. I've been fortunate enough to meet and skate with some of you and I hope to someday meet the rest of you. I'm grateful to have you as my friends, although it's sad that we are so far away. But, it makes those times even more precious.
To all those on the bench due to injuries, a speedy recovery...and if it's any comfort, we've all suffered a lot too in our past.
The spirit found here is truly amazing to me and I think it's what keeps us going, even after punishing ourselves time and time again. It's crazy, even while in pain, our main thoughts are "When can I skate again?"
It's been great reading all the postings, some funny, some filled with stumbling and falls, some engineering feats, but all have positive vibes... and of course, the fabulous pics and videos. Lastly and mostly, because this forum has given us the opportunity to connect.
I just wanted to THANK YOU all.
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  • ireNe: It's Amazing... (26. Aug. 2008 21:09)
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