Vertical Rollerskating


Message 6542 (28. Aug. 2008 16:48) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
It's Amazing...
: : looks like i will have knee operation too. loose piece of cartilege so that would make worse tears in my meniscus. who wants to cook for me lol? ;-D
: :
: : not major, 1 week hobbling, 3--6 weeks recovery. arm, gosh who knows.
: Sounds like it can be done via keyhole surgery. At least you should recover quickly from this.

yep, not major. :-D see dr. tomorrow. worse case just take out a piece and a few stitches and all orthoscopic. then i can RUN AND JUMP! Gosh I cant wait!! I'm happy I got it looked at because if I can run again, I will be a happy girl. And hopefully the arm is healing again. glad i wont soon look like frankenstein either lol.
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