Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9637 (22. Jun. 2009 17:07) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
knee gaskets
OK, seems like I can go without. I'll wear them when it gets colder. The tight straps seem to do the job and seems easier for me to move to land on my knees. I feel a LOT less hot without them so skating is more comfortable. Sometimes the pads seem too much but my ass says keep the bulky diapers on lol.

Biff, if you have any hints on fakie, please post. I'm not too good at that. I think its practice and my body figuring out which way to position itself.

: : Are they really helpful for twisting injuries?
: I think they might help warm up the knee area when it is hot outside. This might in turn help loosen the knee for flexibility, which might slightly help the body flex; thereby helping to prevent injuries.
: But, if you really twist your knee, I think it all boils down to "How far can your knee twist?".
: I've taken to tightening my knee pads (especially the bottom strap) to prevent my pads from slipping off on impact. I sweat a lot!
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