| : Biff, if you have any hints on fakie, please post.
Going fakie is really tough to do at first. It is unnatural for the bodie to not only go backwards, but to be doing it while rolling, and while on a multi angled surface! The best way to learn fakie is to start off at the bottom of a half-pipe. Go back and forth, always facing the same way, so that you are going front stance, and then back stance (fakie) on the way back. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. Repeat. Go higher. etc..
Learning to relax going backwards also helps a lot. Stiffening up will mess you up. After you get good at going fakie, learn to pump as you go down fakie. I usually do not pump when going up fakie. Throws off my balance.
Good luck.