Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9824 (6. Jul. 2009 04:22) (All previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
You are so welcome!
: : I'm incredibly happy today. I was doing the monkey plants. I landed them, even on the 4 1/2 foot kiddie halfpipe. So now will work on the handplants. Even if they dont look impressive, this is a BIG deal for me considering I thought these were out forever. My arm did OK, so stoked!!
: Isn't that wonderful when you can get back in there and enjoy life?! :D

This is probably the first weekend in a LONG time that I could skate and really enjoy it. Instead of fearing the bowl, it felt like my friend again. I hope to get some pic/footage soon even of a really bad invert just because I never got one before my accident. To me its not important to be great, but to achieve my goals. And I seriously thought my arm would never gain this type of function back ever. I was just hoping to be able to open the door and eat with my hand norma loll. Fuck, I have recovered!! I was stoked, I was even jumping off a decent sized curb with my unicycle today first time and riding off like it was easy as pie. My muscles were relaxing, FINALLY. Yep, much better the 2nd time around!!
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  • claudine: PROGRESS! WOo-hoo! (5. Jul. 2009 00:27)
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