Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9832 (6. Jul. 2009 15:35) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
: : maybe I meant milk crate? Its a plastic cubical thing they use to carry milk jugs, eggs, um maybe just milk lol.
: Hm, I'm still not quite sure how you used this milk crate ...
I just put it upside down like a ledge to lean on. Nope, didnt do much. Just felt like I could grab onto it so gave me confidence lol. Whaddo I know? I thought I needed my shoulder cracked or popped. Its an impinged nerve/frozen shoulder my new PT said. I told her my shoulder was fine lol, always something wrong.
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  • claudine: PROGRESS! WOo-hoo! (5. Jul. 2009 00:27)
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