| : : Thanks Jay for being so nice! I'm learning in total isolation so not sure if I look lame or not lol. I'm just happy I can sk8 as I started very old and had a major injury, plus Ima woman which around here is very, very, VERY rare in any action sport period. So I'm quite proud of my accomplishments, but figured compared to you guys that been at it for decades, its not much. I'll try to get a video. The kiddie park is kinda hard. I dont go to the bowls but 1-2 a week cause of money and its a 50-50 chance I'll be alone. But I'll get one. Just dont expect anything polished. More like humorous as flailing is my favorite thing to do lol. The guys here respect me so I guess I do OK. But I'm sure I still look like a frog having a spaz on rollerskates lol. ;-D
: You couldn't look any sillier than the pic I sent you the other day. Besides, we wanna see you skate, so we can cheer you on!
: ... And "old" is not in my vocabulary anymore. You rock!
Irene, if it werent for you, I would wonder if I were insane lol. I dont tell my mom anymore cause she keeps telling me how old I am.