| : : : http://www.hackwriters.com/skaters2.htm
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: : : Thoughts? Opinions?
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: : i like this sentence:
: : For those three or less left that skate as adults do so because of a passion or love, not because of an obligation or an expectation. They skate regardless of sponsorship, money, or status. That may not be the case if skateboarding became on Olympic sport or have a value put on it.
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: : well, thats why i love rollersk8n! freedom of creativity, do it out of love/passion. tired of trying to conform or compete against a "status quo." thats what burnt me out of running. freedom + lack of pressure = FUN
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: : of course i choose rollersk8n over sk8boarding, more freedom, more fun.
: i thought we were all having mid life crisis, maybe it is just for the fun of it. olympics, that would be the ultimate jam.
nah i do it for fun! i havent yet mentally entered midlife lol. would be fun watching it on TV but i love the freedom of it not being regulated. if it were, i would still follow my own path lol. thats why i was an art major, i got away w/ not following the rules and was rewarded for doing so! ;-D i just wish it would get popular enough brian w. got his sk8s on the market. i just wish i had one other rollersk8n buddy to roll w/. what i dont get is why sk8boarding is not an olympic sport but beach volleyball is a huge olym. sport?