| Funny,I've never wanted to dominate my friends,,or anyone for that matter and like most sports,the olympics are all about that.I always looked at comps as a big sesh with my mates and never realy got fired up or nervouse about it and that is the part that I do dig about comps,,everyone travels to session big together and seeing as this years MOSS jam is looking to be a jam format based around a bowl/ramp/drain tour posibly with prody/prizes given out for best trick/gnarliest slam ect,rather than "THE BEST SKATER",me and everyone else I've talked to about it are pretty dammed stoked about it.
Funily enough MOSS jam 08 had these realy cool trophies made up of steel cut out in the shape of Frankston bowl with MOSS in the centre, mounted on a concrete coping block,,rad as fuck,and I realy wanted one and realy did'nt enjoy the comp as much cos I was set on gettin one.Kinda stupid realy as me and Ludi were the only rollerskaters there and there were 2 trophies for that any way,and I managed to pick up one for second place in a skateboard division any way.
Anyhoo,thats my perspective.I recon theres plenty among the skateboard comunity who want to dominate(it seems to be part of the package these days) and who would want to do the olympics thing and good luck to them.I'm sure they would pull a huge audience and I'd watch it too,I can't walk away from watching any skate footage,I love it.
cheers joe