Vertical Rollerskating


Message 6954 (8. Oct. 2008 16:07) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
: : : : : :
: : : : : :
: : : : : : Thoughts? Opinions?
: : : : :
: : : : : This park is Olympic worthy!
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: : : :
: : : : thats in MD right lol? :-P its definitely claudine worthy!!
: : : : i'll be healed by next year. i read on the internet about bone graft. since it was from a cadaver, my body could have easily rejected it. since i'm allergic/intolerant/sensitive to everything out there, bet you thats why it didnt take. so one more surgery, just get the graft out my own body and bet ya i will heal in 4 weeks!! or so..... but least i'm painting and having fun again w/ that so i will start vert paintings/drawings by next week. my left arm isnt as good but doing ok w/ it so i have to stop feeling sorry for myself.
: : :
: : : thats right, you neednt feel that way, from what ive detected so far, id say you are a tough cookie.
: : : keep it positive, good charma will kick in.
: : : cheers, h .
: :
: : wheres the good charma? i hurt my hamstring attachment behind the knee today in PT. settling down now but it was shooting pain and makes me feel really old as i am not doing serious exercises. at least it makes my arm ache less lol. i will see if i can draw today now and let my cookies bake longer to get tougher... i wont get out the drill today as i dont want any holes in my hand. i want to build my speed sk8s but today is not good karma day i can tell.
: your not on your own there. today we planted our welder workmate at the bone orchard. wayne only made it to 39 1/2. well short changed in my opinion. he had been crook for 12 months and passed away on sunday. i feel sad for his wife and 2 young daughters. well we saw him off properly, i even had some giggle juice. im sure ill cheer up again by the w/end.
: i suppose its true what they say, however bad things seem theres always someone worse off.
: stay cool, cheers, h .

sorry bout ur mate! i hear this here too. my mom hasnt helped me once since my last surgery since she is busy since her friend has cancer and that is more important. and before that a friend had 2 family members die. my father and brother havent even asked how i was doing, etc. so this doesnt help. not looking forward to next surgery. if it doesnt heal and they amputate my arm not sure how i can work. i guess i should be happy then, will have to be just a one arm sk8r for a living and my family can get rich when i die off my one arm paintings.
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